System to adapt our American billiards carom billiards. NOTE: only valid for billiards manufactured by elbillar.es
After studying, design and test the different possibilities to change from one game to another, we have come to develop a complex mechanism plugs, by trimming the billiard own band being adjustable and adjust perfectly to the pocket billiard, thus the ball rebound is as compact as possible homogeneous, offering a quality and an excellent result for domestic use, without deviation from the path to pass the ball without penalizing the rest of the table, as with removable bands used in other types of transformable billiards. NOTE: only valid for pool tables manufactured by elbillar.es
if you have a pool table transformable American to carom billiards and would also like to play snooker, we have a kit and playset measuring snooker balls 52,4mm. The full price of kit and set snooker game and hardware to suit serious 90 €
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